Department of Computer Science
Summary of the Events Organized for “Awareness of trends in Technology” 2022-23
Webinar on Full Stack Web Development
Department organized a webinar on ‘Full Stack Web Development’ in association with Edureka on February 17,2023. 77 Students along with faculty members of department participated in this event. Ms. Monika was the resource person for the event. Different concepts of digital marketing, e-commerce, web development and search engine optimization were discussed by the speaker.

National Technology Day
Department celebrated ‘National Technology Day’ on May 31,2023 and organized a webinar on ‘Scope of Spoken Tutorials for Quality Enhancement of Institutions’. This webinar was organized for all the faculty members of the college. 55 faculty members participated in this event. Dr. Subbulaxshmi T., Professor, V.I.T. Chennai was the resource person of the webinar. The different aspects of spoken tutorials for enhancing the quality of institutions were discussed in the webinar.